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Children's Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing

At The Stoke Poges School, supporting children’s mental health and emotional wellbeing are key priorities. We value partnership working with children and families. Headteacher Liz Astley, and SENDCo Gerard Geraghty, have completed Designated Mental Health Lead training.  We have a trained ‘Emotional Literacy Support Assistant’ and use The Zones of Regulation across the school, to support children to identify their feelings and develop strategies to manage their feelings.


Please refer to our ‘Children’s Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Policy’ for an overview of the school’s graduated response to supporting children’s wellbeing:

Children’s Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Policy

The school’s PSHE curriculum provides opportunities for children to learn about mental health and emotional health safely and sensitively. We also celebrate World Mental Health Day (October), and Children’s Mental Health Week (February), with assemblies and linked activities.

At the highest level of support for children’s mental health and wellbeing, the school will work in partnership with parents/ carers, to complete referrals to outside agencies, such as Child and Adult Mental Health (CAMHS).

The Stoke Poges School can also provide sessions with a qualified children’s counsellor. These sessions are offered to individuals on a case by case basis, in consultation with a child’s parents/ carers.

Should you wish to discuss your child’s mental health, please contact the school office to request an appointment with Headteacher Liz Astley (, or SENDCo Gerard Geraghty (

These websites contain useful information and activities for families, linked to children’s mental health and emotional wellbeing.

Family Information Service | Buckinghamshire Family Information Service

Family learning courses in Buckinghamshire | Family Information Service

How to support your child's mental health – Place2Be

Parents and Careers | Advice and Guidance | Anna Freud Centre