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In UKS2 the children will be given homework each week. We encourage all children to keep up to date with any homework given as this will support them as they prepare for secondary school.

Maths and English homework will be set once a week. (Please see the table below for details on days homework will be given out and due in). The children must ensure that work is completed in the appropriate homework book or uploaded onto TEAMs- these details will be shared by the teacher each week. Children will be asked to record each piece of homework in their homework diary and so should have a record of the instructions given. As a rough guide, homework should take no longer than 30 minutes each evening.








Handed Out







Due in






Spellings, multiplication tables and reading on-going.


We encourage all children to keep up with their home learning as it supports the work we do in school and is good preparation for secondary school. If, for any reason, your child cannot complete their home learning, you should communicate this via their homework diary. If there is no communication the children will:

  • Have one day’s grace to bring the completed homework into school
  • If it is not in the next day, the children will complete the homework during the next Tuesday lunchtime in class with one of the UKS2 teachers.
  • If this happens twice in a half term, your child’s class teacher will discuss his/her concerns with you.
  • If homework is not completed three times in a half term, children will have a discussion with the phase leader about the importance of completing homework and you will be contacted.

In addition to the above, in Years 5 and 6, children are required to practise their spelling and multiplication tables on a weekly basis. The National Curriculum states that, by the end of Year 6, all children should be able to ‘perform mental calculations, including with…large numbers’. This requires quick recall of multiplication and division facts. These are tested weekly in school using the 99 Club, which are differentiated tests to support learning. A weekly spelling list will also be issued, in line with the word list contained in the National Curriculum. These words are also tested weekly.

The children are also required to read for at least 15 minutes every evening. It would be helpful if you could record the book read, page numbers and any comments you wish to make in the Homework Diaries. Books sent home with children will be changed as appropriate, but children are also strongly encouraged to access their own preferred books in order to build further their reading for pleasure. You should see your child’s class teacher for suggestions on suitable reading material if you would like more advice. It is the children’s responsibility to record their daily reading on their bookmark. These will be monitored on a regular basis.

On some occasions, the children will be set additional project-based homework related to a curriculum area being studied. The children will be given sufficient time to complete and hand this in.


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