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Identification of SEND

How do we decide when a child needs to go on the SEN register?

There are 4 areas of need according to the 2014 Code of Practice.

  • Cognition and Learning
  • Social, Mental and Emotional health
  • Communication and Interaction
  • Sensory and/or Physical Needs

Some areas of need are easier to determine than others, e.g. physical/ communication etc. However, in all cases, pupils are regularly assessed and monitored to ensure correct interpretation of their area of need. Some pupils can be identified as ‘stuck’ and not making the progress expected of them. These pupils therefore receive some extra help and support within class to help them move forward. The class teacher is usually the first person to notice that the pupil needs extra help and they will usually discuss this with parents and subsequently put into place various strategies to assist the pupil to “catch up” within class.

If these strategies are not successful, the teacher will discuss with the SENDCo other options and possibly more formal interventions to support the pupils' learning. Once these have been instigated, pupils' progress will be assessed again and if the pupil is becoming significantly behind their peers in any area, then a discussion about the possibility of putting the child on the SEN register will take place. Parents/ Carers are kept informed and encouraged to be involved in supporting their child and their learning.

If you have any concerns regarding your child, then please raise your concerns with the class teacher.

The School Governors also have a role in ensuring your child is supported where necessary. The Headteacher and SENDCo report back to the Governing Board regularly and, in addition, the SEND Governor, Mrs Carole Powell.