Our Ethos, Vision & Values
The Governors and School Leadership Team are highly ambitious for the school and work closely together to develop our purpose, vision and strategy, underpinned by a strong set of values.
The well-being of our children is at the heart of our school, and we encourage high standards of behaviour and learning to support each individual pupil to achieve their maximum potential, both academically and in developing the broader life skills they will need for the future.
Our Vision
To provide a rich and inclusive learning environment where children can become confident, independent learners with a passion to succeed.
This is underpinned by our values, which feeds into our core purpose and principles.
Our Mission
To nurture and support our children, to love learning and understand the value of reaching their full potential.
We are passionately committed to developing well-rounded, happy children who think ‘big’ and progress to the next chapter of their lives, with the skills, knowledge and experiences to achieve their dreams.
Our Key Aims
To ensure high quality teaching for every child, which meets their needs, challenges them appropriately and helps them grow.
That the percentage of children reaching national benchmarks at the end of each phase exceeds national averages and that all children make progress that is better than the national average.
To provide an enriched curriculum offer, whereby no child is disadvantaged.
To allow children to become increasingly resilient and independent by providing appropriate challenge.
To design learning opportunities so that children can problem solve and reason across the curriculum by applying a range of skills.
To establish a strong moral foundation so that children have a positive self-image which is reflected in how they behave and interact with others.
Our Legacy
After being at our school, we want our children to look at the wider world with the confidence and knowledge that they can make a difference, and that they matter.